Manuel Prados

I like America and America likes me (Joseph Beuys)

When Joseph Beuys died, earlier this year, the question arose as to what would happen to his reputation now that he himself was no longer around. With his unforgettable appearance, his status as the ultimate antiestablishment man in an ever more conformist age and the beautiful open courtesy with which he would treat those who sought to make mock of him, he was the indispensable leaven in a world that,… [+]

747 (Chris Burden)

747 January 5, 1973. Los Angeles, California. At about 8 am at a beach near the Los Angeles International Airport, I fired several shots with a pistol at a Boeing 747.

Uninvited Guests (Edvard Munch)

La máscara animada


Heliogábalo era el hombre y la mujer. Y la religión del sol era la religión del hombre, pero que nada podía sin la mujer, su doble, en la que se reflejaba. La religión del UNO que se cortaba en DOS para actuar. Antonin Artaud, Heliogábalo Obras de referencia La visión edulcorada de Alma-Tadema da rienda suelta a una paleta de tonos cálidos y representa una escena tragicómica, posiblemente inventada, en… [+]